Monday, April 23, 2012

Brrrrr it was cold!

It is cold outside and the wind is blowing! Brrrrr! A great day to stay inside and get some work done.

My DH and I took our grand-daughter to the Dayton Dragons game last and just about froze. It was cold, cloudy and windy, not a good combination for a ball game. The up side to all of it was that Ava got to go down to the field and participate in one of their games. She even got a free t-shirt and met Gem and Heater in person. She was excited that they hugged her and gave her a kiss. We couldn't leave out Austin we purchased him a t-shirt and Rod one. Ava had to have a pompom to wave in the air.

Any good baseball stories out there? What is the craziest thing that has happened to you at a ballgame?